Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect at my first session?

At your first appointment you will have an opportunity to explain to one of our psychologists what you would like help with. By sharing your perspective and providing information, the aim is that a common understanding is reached. This appointment will also involve questions and discussion to assist in assessment of your current mental health concerns.

What to expect from therapy?

The goals of your therapy will be agreed together with one of our psychologists You will be asked about your expectations of therapy and what you wish to achieve. Talking therapy typically involves gaining an understanding of the factors contributing to your current difficulties, education about the psychological processes at play for you as an individual, learning strategies and techniques to manage or improve, and gaining confidence within yourself to live well.

Do I need a referral?

You do not require a referral from a general practitioner (GP) or other health specialist to come to see us at Head to Toe. Although, if you are coming to see us with physical symptoms, we will ask you to see your GP first to ensure that you are receiving appropriate treatment.

What are your fees?

For our psychologists our fees range from $220 to $300 per session depending on the clinician. Our fees are set in line with Australian Psychological Society recommendations.

Can I get a Medicare rebate?

The government assists people with the cost of seeing a psychologist by providing a rebate through a scheme called Better Access to Mental Health Care. Your GP will assess your eligibility and may provide you with a referral and Mental Health Care Plan to receive a Medicare rebate for up to ten psychology sessions per calendar year. The rebate for seeing a clinical psychologist is usually $141.85 per session, and for seeing a general psychologist $96.65, but could be much less if your costs toward healthcare are high and you reach the Medicare Safety Net threshold.

Can I claim through my private health insurance?

You may be eligible to claim a rebate for psychological services from your Private Health insurer depending on your level of cover. You will need to contact your insurer to confirm your eligibility.

How long is a session?

Appointments are approximately 50 minutes in length.

How many sessions will I need?

There is not a predefined number of sessions in which you will achieve your goals of therapy. This is because everyone has different goals and different obstacles to achieving them. Psychology is not like medicine in which there is a prescribed treatment for a diagnosis, and so we will work together to make decisions about how often you will attend therapy and for how long.

Do you offer therapy online?

At Head to Toe we can offer online sessions via our Power Diary platform or Zoom, which have the same format and cost as face-to-face sessions. Currently telehealth sessions are able to be claimed through Medicare due to the Covid-19 changes in healthcare delivery.

What do I need to do to make an appointment?

The easiest way to make an appointment is to complete the online form under Contact Us and we will call you back to arrange a time. You can also call us directly (02) 8350 8952, and if we are unable to answer your call, please leave a message with your name and a convenient time to call you back. We will return your call as soon as possible.

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Fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!